Iván Ferreiro nació el 18 de Agosto de 1971 en Vigo. Durante 13 años fue el líder de Los Piratas, donde componía y cantaba. El día 19 de Febrero de 2004 nos sorprendieron anunciando su retirada de los escenarios.
Iván decidió no alejarse del mundo de la música y empezó a tocar con su hermano, Amaro, en un pub de Vigo llamado "El Ensanche". Las actuaciones se celebraban todos los miércoles anunciadas como 'Rai Doriva e As Ferreiro' y los hermanos se hacían pasar por dos amas de casa (Ivonne y Tamara).
Mientras, Iván continuaba creando temas y pronto tuvo suficiente material como para editar un disco: Canciones para el tiempo y la distancia (2005), que lo consagraría como cantante en solitario.
Un año después salió el siguiente álbum de Ivan Ferreiro, 'Las siete y media', compuesto por ocho temas que el músico compuso durante su gira Tournedo 2006 .El 25 de Marzo de 2008 lanzó 'Mentiroso mentiroso' un disco que se colgó, antes de venderse, en su página web.
'Picnic extraterrestre' es posiblemente el trabajo menos autobiográfico del vigués pero lleno de positivismo, ya que, según Amaro ‘Se trata de aceptar que todo ese mal rollo existe y verlo con optimismo’. También ha decidido cambiar la imagen de su web poniéndola en forma de Teletexto, algo que ha ido cayendo en desuso.
Aquí os dejo una canción de su nuevo álbum Fahrenheit 451
Ivan Ferreiro was born on August 18, 1971 in Vigo. For 13 years he led the Pirates, where he composed and sang. On February 19, 2004 surprised us by announcing his retirement from the stage.
Ivan decided not to withdraw from the world of music and started playing with his brother, Amaro, Vigo in a pub called "El ensanche". Performances are held every Wednesday announced as 'Rai Doriva e As Ferreiro' and the brothers posing as two housewives (Tamara and Ivonne).
Meanwhile, Ivan continued to create topics and soon had enough material to release an album: Songs for the time and distance (2005), who consecrated as solo singer. A year later came the next album Ivan Ferreiro, 'Las siete y media', consisting of eight tracks composed by the musician during his tour Tournedo in 2006. On March 25, 2008 launched 'Mentiroso mentiroso' an album that was posted before sold, on its website .
'Picnic Extraterrestre' is probably the least autobiographical work Vigo but full of positivism, since, according to Amaro 'is to accept that all this bad feeling there and see it with optimism. " It also decided to change the image of her in the form of web Teletext, which has fallen into disuse.Here you have a song from his new album Fahrenheit 451
Ivan decided not to withdraw from the world of music and started playing with his brother, Amaro, Vigo in a pub called "El ensanche". Performances are held every Wednesday announced as 'Rai Doriva e As Ferreiro' and the brothers posing as two housewives (Tamara and Ivonne).
Meanwhile, Ivan continued to create topics and soon had enough material to release an album: Songs for the time and distance (2005), who consecrated as solo singer. A year later came the next album Ivan Ferreiro, 'Las siete y media', consisting of eight tracks composed by the musician during his tour Tournedo in 2006. On March 25, 2008 launched 'Mentiroso mentiroso' an album that was posted before sold, on its website .
'Picnic Extraterrestre' is probably the least autobiographical work Vigo but full of positivism, since, according to Amaro 'is to accept that all this bad feeling there and see it with optimism. " It also decided to change the image of her in the form of web Teletext, which has fallen into disuse.Here you have a song from his new album Fahrenheit 451